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Educators | Evaluation Information

Educator Full Evaluation

The Educator Full Evaluation includes a UETS-based JPAS, Stakeholder Input, and Student Growth Measures.

Utah Effective Teaching Standards-based Jordan Performance Appraisal System (JPAS)

The UETS-based Jordan Performance Appraisal System is designed to help teachers provide high quality instruction to all students. Its purpose is to ensure that a valid, reliable and objective system exists to monitor teacher performance, to develop teacher skills and to assist teachers whose performance needs improvement. The intent of the UETS-based JPAS is to provide feedback that will lead to instructional excellence and to the implementation of organizational goals.

Four major components:

  • An observation system that measures skills and techniques for 25 specific behaviors, called indicators. The indicators are listed on the observation sheet and in the UETS-based JPAS Domains Document. Observers are given extensive inservice to understand the decision rules to measure whether a specific skill or technique has occurred.
  • Stakeholder input and student growth with data. Stakeholder input may include evidence from the school climate survey, emails, or descriptive phone logs.
  • A feedback report which will serve as a guide for a discussion between the administrator and the teacher about the teacher's performance.  Finally, it will direct teachers to professional development materials that can be used to enhance their classroom performance.
  • Professional development materials are available to all teachers online which contains ideas and suggestions that teachers can use to sharpen their instructional skills. Organized by domains, the indicators are grouped in subcategories.
  • UETS-based JPAS Professional Development Materials

Educator Interim Evaluation

The Educator Interim Evaluation includes an Instructional Effectiveness Self-Assessment on the Utah Effective Teaching Standards and Professional Growth Goals.

Login to Perform to begin your evaluation process.