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Indicator 43 – Reinforces Desired Behavior

Interacting With Students

Providing Feedback

Indicator 43 - Reinforces Desired Behavior UETS 3b., 3c.

Effective classroom managers give praise to reinforce appropriate behavior. Such praise helps students know their appropriate behavior is appreciated; especially when teachers deliver praise in natural, genuine language that includes a description of the specific behavior being commended.


  1. Give extremely consistent attention to students with poor work habits when they are working. A technique that has resulted in double or triple time spent on work with a related increase in academic performance.
  2. Praise what the student did, rather than the person. "Thank you. That was the correct procedure when you hear the bell. Please do the same thing each time you hear the bell." Rather than: "What good kids you are."
  3. Use IFEED:
    • Immediately reinforce after observing the positive behavior.
    • Frequently reinforce the students for positive behavior.
    • Enthusiastically deliver the feedback.
    • Eye contact should be made with the student(s) you are reinforcing.
    • Describe the behavior that is being reinforced.
  1. Offer individual praise privately when appropriate.
    • "Bill, your behavior helped the rest of the students keep on task when we were working quietly today. Several students saw you working hard, and they started doing the same. Thank you."
  1. Be cognizant of grade-appropriate terminology for student praise and reinforcement.

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