Delivering Instruction
Presenting Instruction
Indicator 19 - Reviews UETS 4a., 5d.
Effective teachers frequently review and summarize important concepts and skills of a lesson. They involve the students in recalling or discussing the content. They present outlines at the beginning of the lesson and a summary at the end. When needed, they summarize mid-lesson to emphasize important information. In addition, they provide weekly and monthly reviews to reinforce daily learning.
- Review material by asking questions or giving a quiz. Examine and assess student responses promptly.
- Provide students an opportunity to peer edit/review homework and papers.
- Assemble students in cooperative study groups to review materials.
- Begin the class with a review of yesterday's lesson as a prelude to today's lesson. The review is particularly crucial if the information applies to subsequent learning.
- A good habit to establish is a class-wide review before tests. Don't teach to the test; just be certain students have mastered concepts you plan to evaluate. If the students have difficulty answering questions included in the review, reteach the material before administering the test.
- Provide daily, weekly and/or monthly reviews for students to encourage and monitor long-term mastery of concepts.
- Use a review to wrap up each lesson for the day. Review using a pair-share, an exit slip question, a student demonstration, a student or teacher summary, or by having students restate the lesson objective and key ideas learned.