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Indicator 21 – Advance Organizer

Delivering Instruction

Presenting Instruction

Indicator 21 - Advance Organizer UETS 3d.

Effective teachers begin lessons with advance organizers that provide students with a brief overview of the lesson helping students anticipate what they will be learning. An advance organizer informs students where the lesson is going.


  1. Use advance organizers to let students know what they will be learning before the actual instruction begins:
    • "Today we are going to identify strategies for evaluating and selecting information. We will review the organization, credibility, and relevance of five different source materials or digital tools. By the end of the period we will select the sources that are most applicable to our task and purpose.”
    • “This week we will be having new centers. I will explain each center so you know what to do during independent work.”
    • “We are continuing our basketball unit. We’ll begin with our warm-up drills, practice the correct form for shooting lay-ups, and then continue our team games for the tournament.”
  1. Provide an overview of the new material relating it to previously learned material.
    • "We have been learning how to multiply four-digit numbers by two-digit numbers. Today we are going to take the challenge and try multiplying four-digit numbers by three-digit numbers. The process is just like what we have been doing but with one more digit! How many of you think you are ready to take this challenge?”
    • “We have been learning about the phases of the moon. Today we are going to make a model of the phases using Oreo cookies.”
    • “We have been learning about healthy lifestyles and tracking our food and exercise habits over the last few weeks. Today we will be analyzing that data and creating some goals for improving our individual wellness.”
  1. Provide a preview of the new material that includes general principles, an outline or questions that establish a learning set.
    • “Here are five questions you will need to answer after we finish our discussion today. Let's take a few minutes to read the questions so you will know what to listen for during the discussion.”
    • “I have provided you with a graphic organizer that you need to fill out as we watch a short instructional video on appropriate ways to extinguish a grease fire in the kitchen.”

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