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Indicator 9 – Applies Low-Key Tactics for Misbehavior

Managing the Classroom

Managing Student Behavior

Indicator 9 - Applies Low-Key Tactics for Misbehavior UETS 3c.

Effective teachers use low-key tactics to control routine misbehavior. They focus on curriculum and activity rather than on behavior to maintain a productive classroom. They circulate through their room to reduce disruptive behavior and encourage participation. Tactics used promote positive behavior and are interwoven with the instruction.


  1. Plan varied curriculum activities to engage students and eliminate time for student misbehavior.
  2. Ignore or use low-key tactics to address behavior that is not persistent or harmful to others.
  3. Look at the student directly.
  4. Tap or touch a student's desk and gesture what you want the student to do.
  5. Stop instruction and wait until you have the students' attention before continuing.
  6. Stand by a misbehaving student.
  7. Move next to a misbehaving student and "in a quiet voice," tell the student to stop the misbehavior:
  • "Bill, please stop talking."
  1. Put the student's name in the middle of an instruction:
  • "Let's look, John, at the next question."
  1. Ask the student a question about the assignment or ask them to read the next question to the class.
  2. Thank those students who are following the rules and sit around or next to the student who is misbehaving.
  3. Give a misbehaving student an alternative, positive behavior:
  • Distributing papers
  • Getting files
  • Collecting materials
  • Reading aloud
  • Answering a question

12. Make sure you have an unrestricted view of the entire classroom, and scan the room regularly to spot potential problems.
13. Circulate and assist rather than sitting at your desk and having students come to you during independent study time.
14. Make "overlapping" a management technique, which becomes second nature to your preparation and routines. "Overlapping" is engaging in more than one activity at a time:

  • Sign an attendance form while listening to a student's explanation.
  • While circulating through the class during independent study time, privately remind the misbehaving student of the expected behavior or class rule. Ask the student to restate the rule or procedure. Give more explanation if necessary.

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